January 18, 2018 By Caitlin Dempsey
Mapbox is a provide of a service that lets you create and serve custom online web maps. Users can customize any of the standard map styles and upload their own data to add to those maps. Low volume users can take advantage of the free plan level to access satellite and street base maps to build upon.
These map styles can also be loaded into the free and open source desktop GIS software program, QGIS. This tutorial will show you how to take a map style you have created in Mapbox and load it into a QGIS session. You can also view a video version of this tutorial at the bottom of this page.
This tutorial requires that you have an existing Mapbox account and have set up at least one map style. To get started with Mapbox, sign up for free.
Create a Map Style in Mapbox
The first thing you will need to do in Mapbox is to create a map style in your studio. To familiarize yourself with how to do that, visit the tutorial page from Mapbox on creating styles. If you are just interested into a predesigned basemap, then just select one of the style templates. Type in the name for your new map style.